Our mission is to pass this amazing hobby onto the next generation.
That looks like making card collecting more accessible. Yes, we lose money on this product, and that's okay. Because our mission remains that we want to make sure the next Gen gets into Sports Cards.
We hand built this to try and make it as affordable and fun as possible for parents, former hobbyists, etc. We bought this stuff in bulk, so you can get in the hobby more affordably.
Whats in the Collector Starter Kit:
- 1 “Intro to the Hobby” Printed Packet.
- 250+ Total Sports Cards
- 5+ Slabbed/Graded/Top Loaded Cards
- 5+ unopened packs of Cards
- 1 Binder with 5 Pages
- 50 Sleeves & 50 Top loaders
An experience, life lesson, not just a gift.
Attached you will find a photo of a sealed Order for a customer as an example. Notice the note and the lesson - The lesson does come with each collector starter kit. This one was about self control and learning patience.
Allowing the child to pursue the one card that is hidden, they can't open the specialty card until they identify and find the card hidden. Each starter kit will come with a randomized lesson to make more of an experience, and not just a gift.
This is an effort to teach kids about how to handle their collection with a sense of self control and learn patience.
Appreciate you supporting Valley Chase! Again, We are launching this Mixed Sport Starter Kit because we need to make card collecting accessible to the next generation so we can preserve, protect and pass on the hobby to the next generation. That is our mission.
The perfect holiday gift at a reasonable price. Thanks for shopping Valley Chase.