All domestic orders $50+
Chase Something
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FREE Pickup 3 days per week
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We're here for you 24/7
Our sole intention is to support local hobbyists in finding cards & collectibles they don’t have access to. We believe by offering a community around the hobby, it will protect the hobby itself for years to come. Let us know what products/Boxes/Singles you like, we will prioritize by demand & to the best of our ability, have some product available locally for our Valley Chasers. We can meet up locally for product pickup & get you what you need! Don’t wait 7-10 business days to continue your Chase! VALLEY CHASERS (Outside the Valley), We would love to have you join us, and will ship your orders within 24 hours.
Thank you, Valley Chase, LLC
"I have a cave with all my jersey's they made me a custom Deion Sanders jersey. It is amazing"
- Brian
No issues
I've done many deals with Jordan, he cares deeply about protecting the hobby. He's always done right by me and thats why I keep coming back"
- Michael
Skeptic turned Fan
"I had never bought cards before. Skeptical, then I caved and bought a Mystery box. They asked my favorite teams and players, I had pure enjoyment, immediately bought another and am hooked."
- Eli